In Primavera P6 Professional, the Summarize function updates a set of Summary Tables in the Primavera P6 database.
These Summary Tables provide huge performance benefits for the system because they allow the user to see a list of projects, and some high-level details about them, without loading vast amounts of unnecessary activity and resource detail into the client’s memory. Instead, P6 simply loads a small subset of the project’s high-level data.
But there are other benefits. Summarizing will also ensure that the project table is showing the correct values whether or not the project is open. It also has another unexpected benefit: your reports will be correct.
If you don’t summarize after you have made any kind of change, and someone runs a report on your project using the Projects subject area, that report will not reflect your changes. Reports based upon the Projects subject area will only show the correct data if you’ve either summarized it, or the person running the report opens your project. If they don’t, it will be out of date.
To find out more about the Summarize function, contact the Prescience Primavera Support team.
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