Loretta Bayliss

About Loretta Bayliss

Loretta is an internationally experienced IT executive recognised for working closely with clients to achieve high-value business and technology solutions. Prior to founding Prescience Technology in 2005, Loretta was an accomplished Program and Project director. This breadth and depth of experience means Loretta truly understands business and technology solutions, as well as the many commercial challenges facing clients.

The State of ERP in Australia

By |2019-03-28T14:19:42+10:00April 2nd, 2019|News & Views, Technology News|

The concept of enterprise resource planning dates back to as early as the 1960s when ‘Centralised Computer Systems’ were primarily used to support inventory management. Flash forward to the early 1990s and the formal term ‘Enterprise Resource Planning’ (ERP) was first used to describe inter-functional systems managing different business processes; including accounting, manufacturing, distribution

What is the Future of ERP?

By |2019-04-08T11:26:36+10:00March 27th, 2019|News & Views, Technology News|

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is the backbone of many organisations, managing important processes throughout the entire enterprise. As the world increasingly goes digital, organisations can expect their ERP systems to be upgraded and extended with cutting edge technology. Read on for insights on the future of ERP from our inaugural State of ERP

Prescience Technology Welcomes Daniel Nimmo to Lead Growing ASEAN Operations

By |2018-04-04T16:57:01+10:00February 16th, 2018|News & Views|

Daniel Nimmo, Senior VP International It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Daniel Nimmo to the role of Senior Vice-President International, based in Singapore, and welcome him to the Prescience Technology team. Daniel will spearhead Prescience Technology’s international expansion into Singapore as well as Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.

Why do projects fail?

By |2017-12-19T11:49:10+10:00December 19th, 2017|Project Management|

Why do projects fail? Projects, whether they are system, transformation or operationally focused, are too often judged to be “failures”, while the question of why they fail seems akin to asking “What is the meaning of life?” Every program and Project Manager has their view of why projects fail. The way a Project Manager answers

Introducing the Prescience User Experience Exchange (The PUXX!)

By |2018-04-04T17:10:26+10:00August 21st, 2015|News & Views|

We have given the PUG a makeover, and have scheduled events in Brisbane and Perth (Sydney to follow). The Prescience User Experience Exchange (PUXX) is the leading Australian destination for smart project systems thinking, with a focus on Oracle Primavera and the systems that work most effectively with it. Through our flagship events, newsletters, and

Prescience Update: Are Your Goals on Track for the End of the Year?

By |2018-04-30T15:35:56+10:00December 3rd, 2013|News & Views|

With the end of 2013 fast approaching many of us, including myself, will take the time to review the year that was. Did we achieve what we planned to? Are the goals that we set at the beginning of the year on track? Have the projects that we’ve delivered been successful? I’m sure you’ve read

Oracle Releases Primavera P6 EPPM Release 8.3

By |2018-04-10T15:55:19+10:00April 10th, 2013|Technology News|

Oracle has continued their emerging trend of releasing new Primavera software in the height of holiday excitement, with the release of Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM Release 8.3 on Friday 29th March, 2013.  While this release slipped quietly into General Availability on a day that many (at least in Australia) were celebrating with Good Friday BBQs and

Prescience Update: Edition 3 – In Continued Pursuit of Productivity and ROI

By |2018-03-07T12:43:17+10:00February 26th, 2013|News & Views|

2013 has started like a rocket – and an all sparks flying rocket if you’re based on Australia’s eastern seaboard, with floods and fires up and down the country. Mesmerising initially, yet innately and insidiously dangerous. It’s almost impossible not to be affected by events such as these, though I sincerely hope you, your families

Considering Riding the Cloud Wave with a SaaS Solution?

By |2018-03-07T13:14:38+10:00February 25th, 2013|News & Views|

It’s worth considering all your options as a hosted cloud provider may be a better answer. With all the talk about ‘moving to the cloud’, if you haven’t yet started operating this way, you could be forgiven for feeling a little left behind. ‘Cloud’, and SaaS in particular, has become a bit of a buzz

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