Have you ever wondered why, no matter what data you enter, your reports just don’t seem right? It may be because in P6, by default, actuals are distributed evenly across the time periods. This means that the reports don’t reflect what has actually happened in a business in a specific time period.
As an example, imagine you’re setting up a schedule for a mine, with an activity start date of 1st April, to track the actual amount of coal being produced each month. Let’s say the amount of coal being produced is 30,000 tonnes during April and 40,000 tonnes during May.
When reporting, P6 will distribute the total amount of production (70,000 tonnes) evenly across the two months, allocating 35,000 tonnes each to April and May. This means that reports don’t reflect the real result.
There is an easy way to ensure actual data is reflected against the right period. You simply need to do what is called Store Period Performance, so that a report can show both actuals and forecast values.
To find out more about how to do this, contact the Prescience Primavera Support team.
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